DIY Family Screen Porch Project

DIY Screen Porch Project after

Courtney, of LifewithSeeds on Instagram, recently shared her DIY family screen porch project using Screen Tight with her audience. She transformed her existing back patio, into a relaxing, bug-free screen porch.

Courtney, a mom of three boys, got her whole family involved in the project. She documented her entire screen porch journey on Instagram, from shopping for the products, to building the porch structure, to sanding and painting the porch, and finally installing Screen Tight. Upon completion, Courtney stated that she was excited to have a bug-free screened patio.

Regarding her screen porch project using Screen Tight, Courtney said, “A quick word about the Screen Tight system we used (not sponsored), all in all, it was amazing and made getting a great result really easy! Especially since we have kids, we love that should we need to replace it, we could do it really quick and easy and wouldn’t need to replace any materials besides the actual screen. Talk about some peace of mind!”

Check out these before and after shots of her patio, as well as, some of her screen porch project highlights on her Instagram account.

DIY Screen Porch Project Before
DIY Screen Porch Project After