The Choice of Homeowners &
Professionals Alike
The screen porch system that’s simple to install and easy to maintain.
Enjoy an attractive, open-air screen porch with a perfect fit that can be easily installed in hours. DIY homeowners and home professionals use Screen Tight to create beautiful screen porches, patios and other outdoor living spaces.
How to Install Find a Retailer Get Samples Buy Online

Step 1
Measure and install the base.

Step 2
Roll spline and screen into the base.

Step 3
Install cap in your preferred color.
Buy The Original Screen Tight® System Online
Visit one of these websites to purchase these screening systems online.
If you need help with purchasing MeshGuard, Screen Wall or Screen Block please contact us.
Screen Tight Features & Benefits

Trusted in Millions of Homes
Developed and patented by a remodeling contractor who was convinced there was “a better way” to design, install and maintain screen porches, the Screen Tight system is trusted by do-it-yourself homeowners, handymen and professional builders alike.

Easy to Install
The Screen Tight system consists of a base that is attached to existing porch framing and a cap that comes in a variety of colors that attaches on top. Once the base is attached, the screen is simply rolled into place and the cap snaps into the base. Learn more about how to install.

High Quality & Cost Effective
Made of the highest quality UV resistant window grade vinyl. Everything you need to screen your porch costs approximately $2.00 per square foot. Materials include fiberglass screen, spline, all Screen Tight components and screws.

Simple Re-Screening and No More Staples!
Conventional porch screening consists of staples and wood lattice that is typically breaks each time the screen is repaired. Screen Tight uses a vinyl cap that can be removed and snapped back when re-screening, allowing a quick and efficient replacement.
Colors Available

Product Resources
Original Screen Tight Frequently Asked Questions

Stapling your screen porch is a painful process that leaves you with a wavy screen that tears if something or someone pushes on it. Our screening systems give you a nice, tight look and can easily be re-screened if Rover ever tries to bust through to chase a squirrel.
How to Install
The Screen Tight system can be installed by anyone. It’s the preferred DIY method to screen your porch and it’s the choice of home professionals as well. But the best part? No Staples.
How to Buy
Once you measure the area to be screened, you’re ready to get started. We can help find a dealer and show you a few other tools and materials you will need for your project.