When it comes to color, the subtle nuances make all the difference. To assist with your screen porch design planning, reference the following colors. Screen Tight cap colors match the following Sherwin-Williams color formulas. Please note that colors on your screen can vary dramatically to the physical appearance of a color.
Sherwin Williams Paint Formulas to Match Screen Tight Cap Colors
Gray Cap: Essential Gray (SW 6002)
- Locator Number: 240- C2
- R: 188 G: 184 B: 182
- Hex Value: #bcb8b6
- LRV: 48
Beige Cap: Cargo Pants (SW 7738)
- Locator Number: 298-C1
- R: 205 G: 196 B: 174
- Hex Value: #cdc4ae
- LRV: 56
Brown Cap: Brainstorm Bronze (243- C6)
- Locator Number: 243- C6
- R: 116 G: 104 B: 90
- Hex Value: #74685a
- LRV: 14