MeshGuard Screen Porch Calculator
Use this tool to estimate the porch screening materials you will need for your MeshGuard project.
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Printable Screen Porch Planner
Download our porch planning worksheet to learn how to measure and plan your screened-in porch.
Download PDFHow to Guides
How to Install the MeshGuard Guardrail Infill Screening System
How to Install the Original Screen Tight Porch Screening System
Additional Information
How does MeshGuard Integrate with Screen Tight?
Both MeshGuard and Screen Tight use the same trim cap piece that snaps over the base that holds the screen.
I have both 2x4 and 4x4 posts.
Screen Tight caps are available in 1.5-in and 3.5-in widths to cover bases that are side-by-side.
What types of screen can I use?
Below the rail, MeshGuard requires a special polyester screen for guardrail infill. Above the rail, fiberglass screen is recommended for the Screen Tight system. One installed, the screens look visually the same.